Your comments

Stephen Hamilton is the developer and would be the best point of contact for questions regarding information sources, updates, etc.

Barry identified fields in the s_section table which provide some of these:


And this table does not include PID, so is not tied to students.

Believe this is the relevant data.  From CC CRSEOVR in ISIS.

FROM seems to show the minimum number of units for which the course can be taken.

TO seems to show the maximum units (in a term) for which the course can be taken.

INCR seems to show the increment at which variable units can be changed (i.e. student cannot take this course for 5 units)

FOR TOT CRDS shows the maximum number of units a student can earn in this course (in this case, the student can repeat the class for up to 20 units)


All of these would be useful for analytics and ops.

Update:  Per our advising staff, "Catalog Year," is the student's admit term/year UNLESS the student's entire catalog is changed.  Uachieve allows changing the catalog year for the major, minor, college, or university requirements independent of each other and without changing the student's entire catalog year.  These independent actions do not appear to update the Catalog Year, but changing the entire catalog does.

Advising unit staff also request that data points related to "exceptions" applied to student audits be available, including, but not limited to:  date of entry (and/or term), type of exception, notes, department entering the exception (biology, dars staff, etc.).  This information is used to track workload for advising staff and in analysis for policy or procedural changes (for example, curriculum change impacts).

Note, in DARS 2.0 reports, there is a data point titled "Catalog Year," which is, in fact, the student's admit term/year, and is not reflective of the actual year of the curriculum/catalog year the student's degree audit is displaying/reflecting/calculating.  Happy to provide examples if this comment is unclear.

Agree that there are bigger issues with calculation and questions about consistency.  What is reported via DARS is what academic units use to certify at time of graduation, giving the data operational and analytical value, even if the calculations are not consistent or not in line with policy.

Relevant policy is here:

Seems like departmental compliance, accuracy of calculation, and relevance as a data point are all separate considerations.  Would not want to see this excluded as a data point because some units are not compliant and/or because the calculation logic is inconsistent.

Another example of use case for outside reporting:  populating required fields in tables, biosketches, etc. for competitive training grant reporting and applications

Additionally, the ability to distinguish lower division units from upper division units would be useful for both departments and colleges, as students have UD unit minimums for both major and university requirements.

Have a current need to review approximated transfer credit for a group of students.  Referencing the Provost package for the time being.  Thanks!