The Course Units that SAH currently has are tied to the student, Units Attempted, Units Completed and Units Passed for each term.  We have Avg Units but the the Course Units by themselves, unrelated to students, we have not captured yet.

Natalie: Fixed hours; Variable hours; Total hours are available in Ecourse - and these are actually units.  Instructional Units / Hours.  Ecourse gets the data from the (new or changed since 2011) course approval process.

Sarah:  I'll add this to the agenda for SAH Steering Committee.

Barry:  s_classlist and s_classlist_3rdweek are the tables, and cla_credit_hours is the field. However, these tables also include student ID.

Karen: keeps track of course units via Excel for now

Believe this is the relevant data.  From CC CRSEOVR in ISIS.

FROM seems to show the minimum number of units for which the course can be taken.

TO seems to show the maximum units (in a term) for which the course can be taken.

INCR seems to show the increment at which variable units can be changed (i.e. student cannot take this course for 5 units)

FOR TOT CRDS shows the maximum number of units a student can earn in this course (in this case, the student can repeat the class for up to 20 units)


All of these would be useful for analytics and ops.

Barry identified fields in the s_section table which provide some of these:


And this table does not include PID, so is not tied to students.