Student Analytics Community Forum


New Term = New Generation (New Gen): Students who are first generation, Pell recipients, and/or from underrepresented groups.

Sarah Parnell 5 years ago 0

Hi Sarah,

I ran across this term in reviewing UCUES data: New Generation (New Gen): Students who are first generation, Pell recipients, and/or from underrepresented groups (African American, American Indian, Hispanic/Latino(a)).

If it's not already there, proposing this for inclusion as a data point in SAH and as a term in the data dictionary. It seems to be integral to the UCUES Longitudinal Analysis, which would indicate that local campus analysts are likely to be asked for data related to this population. (See:, "Responses by New Gen and Year at UC."

Thank you,


Natalie Noles

Instructional Analyst

T: (858) 534-2574 | E:


For Primary Major Name, what's the difference between blank and Undeclared?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Looking at UG Primary Major Name Current in Enrollment we see blank major names and 'Undeclared%' major names.  What is the difference?


In Course Stats Per Term - when does a course get added?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago 0

When does a course get added to this view?  When the course gets senate approved?  When a student enrolls?  When grades are entered?  


Can Student Count be put in its own section/group?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated by Heidi Carty 6 years ago 2

Feedback:  I looked at these groups by the numeric field student count in the student measures section. It took a bit of exploring to find the student count field. For those people who want to specifically run census/cohort data it might be helpful to have student count as it's own section/group as opposed to being subsumed under a larger section so they can find it right away.

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago



New Field: Is Visiting Student

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

IR doesn't count Visiting Students in the 3rd week reporting

Based on student application for Summery vs FA/WI/SP

Add to Demographics as Is Visiting Student Current Flag

Add to Enrollment as Is Visiting Student Flag that is unique per term

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago

The definition of "Is Visitor" varies between different departments at UCSD based on their needs.  We are adding term based Applicant Type in order for groups to filter on their own definitions of "Is Visitor".


New Data: Add DARs data

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

Degree Audit Reporting system - tracks fulfilling degree requirements

Going through it's own ESR

Allows students to do 'what-if' scenarios about changing their majors.


Can the Divsion / Department hierarchy from the Academic Affairs page be added to SAH?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated by Karen Gerstoft 6 years ago 3

Different groups around campus use this hierarchy to organize their data b/c ISIS can't be updated and it doesn't match the current business hierarchy.

-See Natalie Noles for deatils


Outline of Student Data Elements

Natalie Noles 6 years ago updated by Sarah Parnell 6 years ago 4

In an effort to promote efficiency, end-user friendliness, and better QA testing, renewing request for structure of student data packages to more closely mirror the outline structure of ISIS, and/or those in the Provost IT data package.  (please see attached for screenshots UE structure request.pdf)

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago

We've discussed a package reorganization based on ISIS with the SAH Steering Committee and decided that since ISIS will be replaced by a new Student Information System (SIS) in the next couple years it would be prudent to focus on grouping fields by topic instead of ISIS screen.

We did reorganize the PerTerm Demographic fields into Term Based Measures, Current Cumulative Measures and Term Cumulative Measures and moved Student Count into its own folder so it is easier to find.


Question: Can the Major Minor information be moved into the Student Stats per Term?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

For departmental reporting the major / minor information is used for all the filters and needs to be used on a per term basis and combined with the Enrollment and Retention information.  The current information listed in Enrollment and Demographics is good but not enough.

Per Natalie Noles

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago

All Primary/Secondary Major/Minor fields have been added to the Per Term Demographics so they can be used with all views.


New Fields: Add Secondary Major to Enrollment Views

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Per SAH Steering Committee - please add the Secondary Major fields to the Enrollment Views.

-Natalie Noles

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago

Graduate/UG Major/Minor Primary/Secondary Current/First/Per Term fields have been moved into Per Term Demographics so that they can be used with all views, including Enrollment.


Question: Can STU PID be renamed to something else?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 26

BIA has gotten feedback on why the Student PID is called STU PID.  As analysts, does anyone know why this is called STU PID?  Is there a better name for this field?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago

Student PID has been moved into production.


New Data: Add Community College(s) Attended data

Laurel Welton 6 years ago 0

High School of Graduation is currently available in SAH. However, I can't find data on Community Colleges attended, which is highly relevant for Transfer students. I have received a request from the Dean of Social Sciences (after a meeting on Time-to-Degree with the EVC) on determining which community colleges our transfer students are coming from, so that we can attempt to address articulation agreements. Other uses for this data may include targeted outreach for recruitment efforts.



Natalie Noles 6 years ago updated by Sarah Parnell 6 years ago 1

Requesting Co-Instructor data in enrollment, enrollment census, and schedule views.


Question about Cohort Data (Student Count #s), SAT data and obtaining actual N for those students who submitted SATs, ACTs and HS GPA

Heidi Carty 6 years ago 0

In Tableau, when using Cohort Data via the Student Count measure can I obtain the actual number of students who submitted their SATs, ACTs and HS GPA from the fields provided. I can get their average SAT, ACT and HS GPA scores, but I also want/need to know how many student in the cohort submitted these scores. When I look at any of the SAT (ACT or HG GPA) measures and change the average default to count or sum the numbers are different from what I have in our IR data base. Thanks.


Student Award Data

Natalie Noles 6 years ago updated by Heidi Carty 6 years ago 1

More data is needed regarding Student Awards, specifically:

Student Level

Award Term

Award Type

Award Status

Primary Major

Other Major



and other fields.  Please see attached.

This is needed for T2D initiatives, program review, federal reporting (such as training grants), etc.

Thank you!

BS Award_Redacted.pdf

MS Award_Redacted.pdf


Values for Activities.Activity_Type_Code

Alex Wu 6 years ago 0

What are the possible values for Activity_Type_Code, similar to what's defined for Research?

Use case examples: user login/logout from applications, check in to recreation facilities, attend college events


New Data: Add Virtual Advising Center (VAC) data

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Virtual Advising Center = # Visits, # Contacts to College advising / Departmental advising; All advising records

     Rolled out to Grad but little use; UG mainly; Very granular; not bringing in notes to SAH

  1. Visit Counts
  2. Contact Counts
  3. Contact Type
  4. Referrals to different departments
  5. Tie to Demographics / Grades
  6. Tie to Staff Advisors for work load and resource allocation
  7. more...

How do I identify Student who are Registered or Enrolled this current term? Excluding dropped or graduated?

Sarah Parnell 6 years ago 0

Right now, [Registration Status Current] shows the latest registration status, including for graduated students and students who have dropped.  How do I identify students who are registered or enrolled for only this current term?  How do I ignore graduated and dropped students?  If I try to filter using the Term Set - Term Code then I cannot see the history of the student.  How do I the history of the current students?


Data Request: IA DMS Data

Natalie Noles 6 years ago 0

Formerly ASES - Stephen Hamilton is primary on the project