New Term = New Generation (New Gen): Students who are first generation, Pell recipients, and/or from underrepresented groups.

Sarah Parnell 4 years ago 0

Hi Sarah,

I ran across this term in reviewing UCUES data: New Generation (New Gen): Students who are first generation, Pell recipients, and/or from underrepresented groups (African American, American Indian, Hispanic/Latino(a)).


If it's not already there, proposing this for inclusion as a data point in SAH and as a term in the data dictionary. It seems to be integral to the UCUES Longitudinal Analysis, which would indicate that local campus analysts are likely to be asked for data related to this population. (See: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/ucues-longitudinal, "Responses by New Gen and Year at UC."

Thank you,


Natalie Noles

Instructional Analyst

T: (858) 534-2574 | E: nnoles@ucsd.edu