Your comments

I would like to up-vote this x 100. As we know, the current ISIS hierarchy does not reflect administrative/operational reality, but the Unit Details report from Academic Affairs is significantly closer. Taking a brief look at the Division of Social Sciences, I see only a few things that would need clean-up.

I would also vote to proceed with changes even if they do break workbooks and/or reports. I do not necessarily advocate mirroring ISIS (many analysts don't spend time in ISIS, and this can be a step toward embracing a post-ISIS future!), but agree that the Provost IT data package could serve as a starting point.

I also think we now have a wonderful opportunity to standardize the way we refer to PID, and am in favor of  not using 'STU_PID' as that standard. My vote would be to simply use 'PID', though I'd be willing to embrace 'ID' if others are on board.